Once we'd finished in the museum at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology in New York) we headed to a very sacred place, a must go to in New York...Starbucks!! No day here was complete without a Starbucks! Must say though, the drink I bought was very confusing...coffee, with chocolate and cream...hmmm not the best! But Oh well, now we were set for the rest of the day. As soon as we stepped out, Roxy&Jess stopped for cigs and a natter with the man in the cart, though it was Abbys squeaking that confused the me her constant "Oooo's" made us all look up for our first celebrity spotting. Matt Dillon! "There's Something About Mary's" baddy! (Always seem to need this explanation when telling others, so wasn't the biggest spotting but I was excited!!) Once this mini excitement was over we decided to head down to Ground Zero. This was something that we were all quite keen to see as it's a big part of New Yorks history. Little did we know how far the walk would be. The weather was absolutely freezing but nothing was going to stop us on our little exbidition down to the bottom of the city. We walked streets and streets, gossiping all the way down, looking at all the sites and it was so exciting. Although we had a specific destination, it didn't stop us sneaking into Urban Outfitters for a quick peek! We carried on down to the spot. On the way we saw a fence covered in plaques designed to remember all those lost on Sept 11th. They were so beautiful and so touching, it made us think about where we were heading and what we were about to see.
Seeing Ground Zero was surreal. It was just this big space surrounded by barriers while a memorial was being built inside. The lives that were lost there and the hurt that that day caused was not seen. Although a memorial was being built in rememberance of those that suffered that day, I felt that what happened could never be explained and that nothing could ever truly represent it. When going into the museum by the actual site, I didn't expect to see things I saw. The images of all the people that were missing or whose lives were lost, were heartbreaking, looking into the eyes of all these people was so emotional. The thing I found the most shocking of all and quite contraversial, was the part of the plane that was recovered. Looking at the object that caused this disaster was devastating. I felt almost an angry feeling towards it. I wondered whether it should have been there, but then again, there was also the people on the plane that suffered that day, and in a way, it gave rememberance to them. This museum was so small but the intensity of how it made you feel was unreal. I found this part of the day quite upsetting, but I felt it was a place that needed to be seen.
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